
Our Hospital History Mersin Toros State Hospital

In 1954, Cukurova Plant started to serve as a “Mersin Health Station  in the infirmary.
’SSK Mersin Dispanserin“ with 20 beds in 1955,
In 1960, with 60 beds were transformed into an SSK Mersin Hospital 1960.
In 1965, it was moved to the hospital which was built in the area we are currently serving.
In 1994 - 1997, we made some revisions in our hospital and made 512 beds. Our hospital, which was connected to the Social Security Institution with the Health Transformation Project on 19 February 2005 with the Law No. 5283, was transferred from the Ministry of Labor and Social Welfare to the Ministry of Health and its name was changed to  Mersin Toros State Hospital 19.
In 2006 - 2007, two district policlinics were opened in Mezitli and then in Yenişehir district.
After this date, in accordance with the examinations made by the Ministry of Health, it was decided to build a new service building to improve the physical conditions of our hospital. New service building works were started in June 2010.
In February 2013,by  B and C blocks  completing and put into service. As of January 2015, A block was completed and put into service.
In our hospital with 255 beds at the time of service, there were 19 steps 3 steps and 6 beds 2 steps intensive care.
By considering the developing needs of our city, studies were carried out to increase the bed capacity of our hospital.
Firstly, 9-bed 1st-stage intensive care unit was created,. In addition, the total number of beds has been increased to 350 by increasing the number of beds in clinics.
In 2016, the total number of beds was increased to 400 with AMATEM's 50 beds.
Level 2 intensive care level with 9 beds was removed to step 2.
TRSM unit of ourhospitalwas put into service in 2015. Hüseyin Dağlı TRSM wasaddedtoourhospitalIn 2016.
Thehemodialysisunit of ourhospitalstartedtoserve in 2016. In the same year, Mezitli Maternity was connected to our hospital.

Total number of bedsourhospitalhad  increasedto 450 with 50-bed KAMATEM (FemaleSubstanceAddictionTreatment Center) - ÇAMATEM (Child andAdolescentSubstanceAddictionTreatment Center)in October 2017.

Ourhospital's Yenişehir DistrictPolyclinic has startedtoserveagain in itsnewbuilding, whichwascompleted in July 2019.